The North of Spain is exactly like I imagined something else: IRELAND! Not only the landscape with its green and fresh grass and the rough Atlantic coast is similar than in the Northern European Island, but also the music has so much Celtic influence that you would say that it's Irish!
Our first experience was Gaztelugatxe, better known - and easier pronounceable!- as "Dragonstone", the GAME OF THRONES spot where a large part of this very famous series is filmed.

A few years ago, this charming little island with the stony irregular stairs that demand a sporty climbing up in curves, was for sure a secret and hidden place, but with the success of the series it got public over night and to be sure to have the island for us alone, we used our usual "trick": getting up in the middle of the night, prepare equipment and instruments for filming, do an hour climbing and arrive at Dragonstone at 7am. In fact, we were alone and Ivan felt a bit like in Game of Thrones, he told me, just the huge dragons were missing... I had only watched the first episode of the series, deciding very fast that it would be definitely too much blood for my taste... But who knows: knowing Dragonstone personally know, maybe I would change my mind...

After a wonderful recording session with the drone, no wind and perfect light conditions, we explored the Island, climbed up the thousand stairs and had a wonderful view on the cliffs and coast. After some time, the guardian of the island came and showed us how to ring the huge bell of the little medieval church on top of the island. He told us that it is "not allowed", but "obligatory" to ring it. On our way back around 9am, we met huge tourist groups, school classes and a lot of teenagers that for sure made the way to visit the place of their idols...